Sunday, February 7, 2016

Everybody Lies

Lying is a normal part of being human. Whether it's to keep someone's feelings from being hurt, or trying to get oneself out of a bad situation, or it's simply to keep a secret, everybody lies. It's hard to strike a balance between an appropriate amount of lying and being honest which, as Billy Joel puts it "Honesty is such a lonely word./Everyone is so untrue./Honesty is hardly ever heard./And mostly what I need from you."

Truthfulness and honesty is what is craved in the modern day and age, but that's not what people really want. Everyone wants to be told they're the best thing to happen since sliced bread, which in fact, no one is. And while that is incredibly harsh, I'm just being honest and isn't that what everyone wants?

No. Of course not.

Honesty is not always the best policy. White lies are more and more accepted in today's day and age, and really, they're harmless. Telling someone they look good in a new outfit, saying that will boost his or her confidence to really look good in that outfit. Half of looking good is having the confidence to think that you actually look good.

Honesty is the best choice most of the time, but honesty is help up to be this great thing we should all strive for. The only person we need to be completely honest with is our self. And that means not putting yourself down and not building yourself up more than you are.

Everyone lies. It's part of what makes us human. As humans, we also love to hear lies because they are much more interesting than the truth.

Spreading a lie is much easier than spreading the truth. Lies are interesting and fun, whereas the truth can be humbling and hard to deal with. The brain shuts down in response to traumatic to read more about the effects of trauma on the brain click here. It shrinks the frontal cortex (where we make our decisions) to make room for a larger amygdala which stimulates the fight or flight response in the nervous system. Have more aggressive tendencies with fewer neurons to make decisions isn't the type of person that woud thrive in modern society. So as an evolutionary feature we forget the experience and try to function the way society wants us to.

It's a fine line to walk. Lying and telling the truth. However, lying isn't as sinful as perceived by society, but constantly lying isn't the answer either.

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