Tuesday, September 29, 2015

How do People Communicate?

I have been a people person from the moment I could talk. In fact, since I started talking I haven’t stopped. I communicate my ideas in so many different ways, I get lost in the jumble and often my method for the moment isn’t appropriate. For example, when I get excited about something and want to share a brilliant (or so I think) idea, I say it out loud then and there. In a familiar discussion with a few close friends, that’s fine, but in a classroom with at least twenty other people, that’s not the best method.

I’m not shy. Never have been, probably never will be. I want to investigate why when I say one thing one way it makes people react way differently than when I say it another. I don’t have a very good filter. That’s landed me in trouble many times. They’re just words. What about words is so important to our society?

How do people communicate? How much does what we say versus how we say it affect our actions? This is what I want to explore about human interaction, or lack thereof. The younger people are, the less they actually want to someone face to face. I am guilty of this myself. When I’m in the company of others I want to be in the company of more than just those people and I have my head buried in my phone. I want to explore the attachment we all feel for our phones.

Social Media is a whole other monster and allows for mass communication between people. The problem is that we’ve started to believe that liking each other’s photos on Instagram and Facebook is the same as actual communication. I’m not against social media, but my age bracket especially, is reliant on scrolling through our various apps to keep up with 1,000 people we don’t talk to anyway. Social media has even made its way into the actual news. Not even the nightly news is immune from the comment section.

What platforms are used to communicate? Exploring TV, Radio, Websites, and Local Posters is an amazing way to get at the psychology behind what is eye grabbing. It gets at why people click on a link or stay on any given channel.

These are all topics I want to explore over the next school year. I want to know about communication and how I can get better at it. I should especially know this if I’m going to pursue communications as a career in the future.